The Impact Fellowships Network

The Impact Fellowships Network

About          IFS          IFS 2025          Research          Partners          Contact Us         

A group of women at the Impact Fellowships Summit conversing.


The Impact Fellowships Network (IFN) is a 3.5-year initiative designed to strengthen and elevate the global impact fellowship sector. Building on the success of the Impact Fellowships Summit (IFS) and the Fellowship Alumni Network Study (FANS), IFN will create a dynamic, supportive, and informative community of practice focused on leadership development and social impact.

Impact Fellowships are programs that support emerging and experienced leaders to increase their effectiveness as changemakers. They build participants’ confidence, enhance their abilities, increase their access to opportunities and strengthen their networks. 

IFN will become a key node in the impact fellowship ecosystem, accelerating innovation in the fellowships space and providing a trusted community where fellowship network practitioners will be able to come together, learn, share and grow. This will be achieved by holding regular convenings that seed collaboration and opportunities to partner with the IFN Research Consortium. 

Collaborative research conducted by IFN and partners will help the field forward by providing a growing body of evidence that supports what impact fellowship practitioners have known for years – that investing in people through these types of programs can make a positive tangible difference in preparing leaders to address challenges in their communities, organizations and beyond.

If you are interested in staying updated with the Summit, Research Consortium, or other engagement opportunities, please fill out this interest form. 

Feel free to email for any inquiries you may have.