This report offers key insights into how educators are adapting to Competency Based Education (CBE) in Belize and what support is recommended for successful implementation.
To understand the positive impact trust has on communities, IREX’s Center for Applied Learning and Impact partnered with IREX program Comunitatea Mea, an eight-year, USAID funded program to strengthen local government in Moldova to become more effective, transparent, and accountable to citizens.
Cultivating Community: A Framework for Building Trust in Leaders and Institutions describes a framework for trust-building and describes seven practices and six outcomes of trust-building.
The Research-to-Change Toolkit, designed by the Youth Excel: Our Knowledge, Leading Change consortium, guides youth-led and youth-serving organizations to strengthen their positive youth development programs using research and data.
In the paper, we explore how “kwa ground vitu ni different”, gathering kwa ground perspectives on what was exciting, inspiring and effective about technology enabled distance learning, what roles community stakeholders see themselves playing, and the levers and emerging innovations that can address key challenges and promote resilient distance learning strategies in hard-to-reach communities.
A critical factor for recruiting and retaining effective teachers is the social status of the teaching profession. This assessment explores how current norms, relationships, and incentives shape Liberians’ views of teaching as a profession.
How can youth-led networks strengthen development outcomes for youth? This publication proposes a set of learning questions to help youth-serving networks, organizations, and donors better understand the value proposition for investing in networks to create social change.