Learn with IREX at CIES
CIES 2024 Sessions Resources
Highlighted Resources for Teaching, Learning, and Employment Impact
The Higher Education Institutional Capacity Assessment Tool
The Higher Education Institutional Capacity Assessment Tool enables education leaders to recognize and prioritize performance improvement needs, foster organizational learning, and support strategic decision making.
Impact, Learnings, and Recommendations for Virtual Exchange in Higher Education
The Impact, Learnings, and Recommendations for Virtual Exchange in Higher Education is an impact report demonstrating how virtual exchanges are an effective tool to provide college faculty opportunities to globalize their curriculum and youth with meaningful, authentic experiences to develop essential skills that prepare them for the global workplace.
Promoting Youth Well-Being Along their Learning to Earning Journeys
Promoting Youth Well-Being along their Learning to Earning Journeys is youth-led research that identified youth well-being and employment experiences are intertwined and shaped by youth’s identities and their context leading to programmatic and funding recommendations to help development interventions be more in tune with youth needs.
Intersectional Rapid Gender and Protection Analysis Workbook and Toolkit
The Intersectional Rapid Gender and Protection Analysis (IRGPA) is a youth-led research activity conducted to understand the most important gender and inclusion challenges in a community, so that programs that are implemented are sensitive and responsive to those challenges.
Research-to-Change Toolkit: Implementation Research for Youth Practitioners
Research to Change Toolkit implementation research for youth practitioners 20222 is a toolkit that enables leaders at youth-led and youth-serving organizations to adopt the Research-to-Change approach that embeds research into implementation, enabling organizations to gather data, take what they learn, and turn it into what they do in real-time.
Creating Supportive Learning Environments for Girls and Boys
Creating supportive learning environments for girls and boys is a guide providing educators with tools for building a gender-inclusive learning environment.
Power Learning Tool
The Power learning Tool (employee essential skills) is a compliment to other training by integrating support to individuals to learn how to learn ensuring that individuals will be able to apply new skills to their everyday work and continue to strengthen their skills beyond a training.
Career Services Evaluation Key Findings and Recommendations
Career Services Evaluation Key Findings and Recommendations is a report that presents the findings of an impact evaluation of IREX-supported career services for Iraqi university students showing that participating students were likely to be employed and were more likely to be satisfied with their job.