Amanda Marchand

Amanda Marchand

Asia, Philippines, Primary and Secondary Education, 2013

Amanda Marchand has been the school librarian for Emerson, Da Vinci, and Harper Junior High Schools since 2010. Before earning her Master’s degree in Library and Information Science at UCLA and Library Teaching credential at CSU Long Beach, she taught elementary and junior high school Spanish Immersion for six years in Arizona, Texas, and California. As school librarian, Amanda works with all of the teachers and students at her sites by acting as a specialist for information literacy, research, and cyber-citizenship; teaching technology and research skills lessons; and helping teachers integrate research and information literacy into their lessons and projects. She also acts as webmaster for both of her schools and libraries. Amanda is an active member of the PTA/PTO and site leadership teams at both of her sites, as well as the district technology advisory committee. By participating in TGC, Amanda made connections to other educators in the United States and internationally while exploring the intersection of global education with 21st century skills in order to help her students and fellow teachers become active, responsible members of the global community.

Amanda’s Global Education Guide highlights local global education resources in Palo Alto and the San Francisco Bay Area such as Palo Alto Kiwanis Club and the Stanford Bechtel International Center. She also provides a globalized unit plan about climate change. Educators can take advantage of lessons that challenge students to think about local, regional, national, and international perspectives on climate change, and also can find lessons that incorporate international collaboration tools such as ePals. On her International Field Experience, Amanda traveled to the Philippines and assembled a collection of resources that can be found on her travel blog.