Lynda Schiff

Lynda Schiff

Africa, Ghana, Primary and Secondary Education, 2013

Lynda Schiff taught at McKenzie Junior High in Guadalupe, CA since 2003. For the first two years there she taught all subjects in a 6th grade classroom and now specializes in 6th and 7th grade Social Studies (Ancient and Medieval World History.) Current students range from 12 – 14 years old and current classes serve 15 – 34 students. Lynda believes that speaking fluent Spanish is helpful in making parents comfortable at school. She received a Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Kansas in 1994 and a Multiple Subject Bilingual/Bicultural (Spanish) Teaching Credential from the University of California at Santa Barbara in 1983. As a TGC participant, Lynda brought stories, insights and new knowledge back from her experience abroad to share with students, colleagues and community members.

Lynda believes global education empowers students by creating the awareness that they are connected to the whole world through their actions. In her global education guide, Lynda supplies teachers with a unit plan about Africa. She incorporates lessons about different countries on the continent with the objective of teaching students about the multiple nation-states and cultures in Africa. Lynda traveled to Ghana on her International Field Experience and collected an assortment of resources that can be found on her travel blog.