Renata Germino

Renata Germino

Americas, Colombia, Primary and Secondary Education, 2013

Renata Germino taught classes abroad in Nicosia, Cyprus and also in San Jose, Costa Rica. In the U.S., she taught middle school ESOL students in Prince George's County, MD; Arlington, VA; and is currently teaching in Charlottesville, VA.  The International Rescue Committee, (IRC), brings families from war-torn countries to Charlottesville. Renata’s students, from diverse cultures and backgrounds, arrive with many needs and often have limited formal education. Some of her students’ home countries include: Afghanistan, Burma, Colombia, Congo, Honduras, Iraq, Mexico, Nepal, Somalia, Tanzania, and Tibet. Renata is involved in many community-school partnerships, striving to bridge the gap between newly arrived refugee families and the Charlottesville community.  She tries to foster unity and connections through coordinating tutoring programs with UVA students, working in collaboration with the local soccer league, and creating partnerships with the city schools and UVA's Education School. By participating in TGC, Renata helped strengthen her community by promoting and celebrating global understanding.

In her Global Education Guide, Renata includes a unit plan on Migration. Students analyze global migration patterns, describe the causes and effects of The Great Migration, compare different migration movements, analyze contributions of immigrants in the U.S., and develop ideas on how to strengthen community connections (in Charlottesville, VA). Renata traveled to Colombia on her International Field Experience and she provides a collection of resources on her travel blog.