Laura Bennet

Laura Bennet

Middle East & North Africa, Morocco, Primary and Secondary Education, 2013

Laura Bennett taught social studies at the Mott Haven Village Preparatory Public High School in the South Bronx since 2008. She teaches 9th grade global history and a 12th grade social justice elective. Prior to that experience, she taught for three years at Oakmont Regional High School in Ashburnham, MA. Laura is the advisor to the Gay-Straight Alliance and Anti-Violence clubs at her school. She also traveled to Honduras through a Heifer International fellowship; as well as to Greece, Turkey, and Croatia through a Fund for Teachers fellowship. By participating in the TGC program, Laura developed professionally to further globalize her classroom and school by nurturing her students to understand their role in the global community.

Lauren Bennett believes it is the responsibility of all educators to challenge students and help them become active members of their immediate community and country, and to become global citizens. Lauren shares a unit plan on Environmental Justice in her Global Education Guide. Students explore environment justice locally, nationally, and globally. They examine a local environmental issue that concerns and effects them directly, and learn that others are impacted by others’ choices and these choices often impact those living in poverty at a disproportionate rate. She also shares a lesson plan wherein students develop a video to educate others on a social justice issue. Lauren traveled to Morocco on her International Field Experience and has collected many resources that can be found her travel blog.