John Kenlein

John Kenlein

Europe & Eurasia, Russia, Primary and Secondary Education, 2013

John Kenlein taught social studies since 2001 at Lewis & Clark High School in Spokane, WA. He teaches grade 9 and grade 12 courses in World History and Current World Affairs. John also coaches tennis, announces basketball games and often attends school events. John received a Bachelor’s degree in Social Studies Education from Washington State University in 1994 and a Master’s degree in Education in 2008. By participating in the TGC program, John had the opportunity to view his profession, students, and craft in a new light. In addition, he enhanced the learning environment for the students he serves.

In his Global Education Guide, John Kenlein provides a global education unit plan on “Fostering Global Connections”. Students analyze UN country classifications by studying different countries’ infrastructure and food systems. Using this knowledge about a countries’ economic system, food security, and infrastructure, they determine how the UN classified these countries. John Kenlein traveled to Russia for his International Field Experience and provides a host of resources on his travel blog.