Jennifer Koszyk

Jennifer Koszyk

Asia, India, Primary and Secondary Education, 2013

Jennifer Koszyk has been teaching social studies and English since 1999. She currently teaches freshmen World Studies at Prosser Career Academy, a public high school in Chicago with a 90% low-income student population. She also works as a Program Director for OneGoal, a college persistence program working to make college graduation possible for all students. In 2009, Jennifer earned her National Board Certification in Social Studies. During her spring break in 2012, Jennifer built a school in Senegal with 15 Chicago Public School students through her involvement with the afterschool service program BuildOn. As a part of the TGC experience, she collaborated with a variety of people who think about, share and fight for bringing education to life for their students. For Jennifer, this opportunity directly translated into more meaningful teaching and offered her inner-city students a more global perspective of the world.

Jennifer Koszyk shares her Global Education Guide with fellow TGC teacher Janna Nobleza. Her global education unit plan is on 20th Century Africa. In the unit, students learn about issues faced by African nations post-independence from colonial rulers. Students study political, economic, and social systems that resulted after post-independence movements. They learn about South African Apartheid, ethnic conflicts such as the genocide in Rwanda, and other issues in the realm of health, education, and environment. Jennifer traveled to India for her International Field Experience and provides a host of resources on her travel blog.