Stacy Hercules

Stacy Hercules

Asia, India, Primary and Secondary Education, 2013

Stacy Hercules taught standard and honors World History, standard and honors U.S. History and Criminal Justice at Webster County High School since 2011. Before this, Stacy taught U.S. History for one year at Signature School and World History, Economics and English for two years at Bosse High School. She teaches mostly freshman ages 14-15 years old and has approximately 25 students per class. During the summer of 2009, Stacy also participated in a Fulbright International Study Program. She presented two seminars at the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), one about the Ottoman Empire and the other about the Balkans. Currently she is the co-chair for the Middle Eastern Community at NCSS. Stacy has also completed her portfolio for National Board Certification. She also volunteers as a community counselor for couples and highly-sensitive young people. As a TGC participant, Stacy grew personally as an educator, established international connections and gained further international experiences to share with her students and fellow educators.

Stacy believes that the purpose of global education is to help students develop awareness that they are members of a world community of humanity. This perspective will allow all global citizens to work together to create a better world through understanding and collaboration. In her Global Education Guide, Stacy has crafted a unit plan that asks students to expand their understanding beyond the Western experience. Students question and reflect on cultural paradigms: rational thought v. feeling, materialism v. faith, competition v. collaboration, limited resources v. mismanaged resources, and separation/compartmentalizing life and placing individual needs over that of the greater global community. Stacy traveled to India on her International Field Experience and she provides a collection of resources on her travel blog.