Amber Kasic

Amber Kasic

Africa, Ghana, Primary and Secondary Education, 2013

Amber taught both Spanish and English as a second language since 2003.  While most of her teaching experience is in the high school environment, she has been fortunate enough to teach elementary and middle school as well.  Amber enjoys exchanging new teaching ideas and pedagogy with her peers both at school and through professional conferences.  Amber presented at state, regional, and national conferences on task-based language teaching as a vehicle to make learning relevant and realistic for students.  When she's not teaching, Amber loves to travel (both alone and with students) and has spent much time in Spain, Latin America and South America, both learning and volunteering.  She is also an advocate for fair trade and the empowerment of women in the developing world. By participating in the TGC program, Amber returned to her district and the field of education as a leader for global learning and citizenship.

Amber Kasic believes it is urgent to adopt global education in classrooms. Students live and work in a multicultural and globally connected environment, and need the skills to solve world-wide problems creatively and with cultural competency. Global education will teach students to be active participants in our complex, diverse, ever-changing and interconnected society. In her Global Education Guide, Amber includes a Spanish unit plan on gastronomy. Students compare and contrast foods in the Spanish-speaking world and participate in a videoconference with Peruvian students about food security in Peru. Students learn about the role of food in the U.S., Spain, South America, Central America, and the Caribbean. They study food security, cultural customs, and food production (child labor). To take action, students host an international dinner and raise funds for the community with which they video-conferenced. Amber traveled to Ghana for her International Field Experience and provides a host of resources on her travel blog.