Landilani Banda

Landilani Banda

Africa, Zambia, 2016

Landilani Banda is a lawyer, academic, and human rights defender. His passion is to work with vulnerable and marginalized groups with the view of promoting their rights. As a human rights defender, Landilani has made submission to the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights on the rights of groups such as women, LGBTI persons, and persons living with HIV. Landilani is also a partner in a law firm in Lusaka and sits on the council of the Law Association of Zambia. He has been closely involved in the process of drawing up the Constitution of Zambia and other matters of governance. He holds a Master of Law in Human Rights from the University of Pretoria, South Africa. Landilani hopes to use the lessons learned in the Fellowship to enhance his leadership skills. His hero is Nelson Mandela, whom he sees as a lawyer after his own heart.