Joseph Siba Dopavogui

Joseph Siba Dopavogui

Africa, Guinea, Environmental Issues, 2017

As the CEO of Association Mines Sans Pauvrete (AMSP), Joseph Siba Dopavogui is committed to promoting sustainable mining in Guinea by serving as a technical assistant in community-related programs and projects designed and implemented to ensure the respect of human rights of mining impacted communities and employ environmental impact mitigation measures. While in the U.S., Dopavogui worked with U.S. Forest Service Minerals and Geology Management in Denver, Colorado where he worked on public involvement in mining impact studies, exploration and mining projects operations inspections, and mineral administration. Since his return to Guinea, Dopavogui has focused his efforts on community awareness and engagement in mining impact studies in Boke and Mandiana in Guinea, conducting West African mining and environmental study tour focused on Mount Nimba landscape in Guinea and Liberia, and mining impacting communities and ecosystems.