Kalayaan Anjuli Gatuslao

Kalayaan Anjuli Gatuslao

Asia, Philippines, Transparency and Accountability, 2017

As a Community Organizer for Balay Mindanaw Foundation Incorporated (BMF, Inc.), Kalayaan is responsible for the implementation of projects and other activities on participatory governance, peacebuilding, disaster management, and resiliency. Kalayaan is an expert in participatory development work in urban and rural areas and has developed skills in research, technical writing, and organizing work. During her fellowship in the United States, Kalayaan hopes to learn about different developmental theories, trends in development frameworks, and best practices for grassroots’ programs, while also developing her skills in monitoring and evaluation, information management, and awareness-raising campaigns. Upon returning to the Philippines, Kalayaan plans to conduct a study to determine how partner communities affect the impact of BMF, Inc’s programs, and how partner communities can help improve BMF, Inc.’s monitoring and evaluation system.