Luis Felipe Gutiérrez Acevedo

Luis Felipe Gutiérrez Acevedo

Americas, Colombia, Peace and Conflict Resolution, 2018

As the Academic Primary Coordinator of Colegio Bilingüe San Juan de Dios, Luis Felipe Gutiérrez Acevedo leads the teacher's team and runs a project which brings travelers from around the world to classes. While in the U.S., Gutiérrez Acevedo worked with Neuhaus Education Center in Houston, Texas, where he designed and executed two training sessions with teachers about how to increase the curiosity of the students in the classroom, led interviews with examples of people who have dyslexia and are successful in their adult life, and assisted with different events. Since his return to Colombia, Gutiérrez Acevedo has focused his efforts on the Travelers Program, a program that brings travelers from around the world to classes and aims to inspire students and make them more empathetic and respectful of different points of view and cultures.