Join a Microsoft Teams meeting

Join a Microsoft Teams meeting

How to join IREX’s online meetings, even if you don’t work for IREX or have Microsoft Teams. ​​​

On this page:

To join a meeting

  1. Just before the meeting time, open the e-mail meeting invitation. Click Join Microsoft Teams Meeting at the bottom of the meeting invitation.

    Screenshot of the bottom of a meeting invitation. The screenshot shows a "Join Microsoft Teams Meeting" link.

  2. In the Welcome screen that opens, click Join on the web instead.

    Screenshot of a button that says "Join on the web instead."
  3. Allow Teams to use your microphone and webcam.

    Screenshot that shows a notification in Chrome. The notification says that wants to use your microphone and use your camera. Click the "Allow" button.
  4. Enter your name, and toggle your microphone and camera on or off. Click Join now when you're ready.

    Screenshot that shows a field for entering your name, on/off toggles for your webcam and microphone, and a "Join now" button.
  5. Microsoft Teams will place you in the "lobby" until the meeting organizer allows you to join the meeting.

    A screenshot that says "Hey James Smith, someone in the meeting should let you in soon."
  6. Once the organizer lets you in, the meeting will start.

    Screenshot of IREX's logo in the center of a browser window during an online meeting in Teams.

Troubleshooting tips

I don't see the "Join on the web" option

You might not be using a compatible browser. See below for guidance about various browsers:

  • Internet Explorer 11: Microsoft Teams does not work in Internet Explorer 11. If you try to join a meeting with Internet Explorer 11, your browser should direct you to download the Teams desktop client.
  • Microsoft Edge: You will need Edge version RS2 or later.
  • Google Chrome:  You will need Chrome version 59 or later.
  • Firefox: Microsoft Teams does not work in Firefox. If you try to join a meeting with Firefox, your browser should direct you to download the Teams desktop client.
  • Safari 11.1+: Safari should work for versions higher than 11.1 in preview.

You might need to download the Teams app in order to join the meeting. 

My sound is not working

If people in the meeting can't hear you, you might be muted, or your microphone might not be configured correctly.

  1. To make sure you are not muted, click the purple Mute microphone button (the second button from the left) and make sure it does not have a line across it.

    Screenshot that shows a row of five buttons. The second button from the left is the Mute Microphone button. The button does not have a line across it.
  2. To change your speaker, microphone, or camera settings when you’re on a call or in a meeting, click the Show settings pane at the top right. Use the menus to select the speaker, microphone, and camera options you want.

    Screenshot of the Audio and Video section of the Show Settings Pane. There is a drop-down menu to select a microphone and a drop-down menu to select a camera.
  3. If these options do not work or you do not have a working microphone on your computer, you can call into the meeting on a phone. The call-in information should be at the bottom of the calendar invitation.