Jovanna Nathalie Cervantes Guzman

Jovanna Nathalie Cervantes Guzman

Americas, Mexico, Business, 2021

As a Co- Founder and CEO for Atellier Organic Joyas de Autor, Jovanna Nathalie Cervantes Guzman has experience in digital marketing: social media content editor, e-commerce, article editor, community manager, internet research, academic writing and marketing strategy. During the fellowship, Nathalie aims to learn about how to grow a brand in international markets, distribution channels, and how to negotiate with clients from foreign markets. Upon returning to México, Nathalie plans to expand the brand to foreign countries; also, the brand emphasizes gender equity, our long-term mission is to employ single mothers from ONGs, who have economic and labor inclusion difficulties, and offer them training and sustainable income as we grow; finally, teaching the knowledge gained to young college students to encourage entrepreneurship in a developing country.