Maharam Dakua

Maharam Dakua

Asia, Bangladesh, Environmental Issues, 2014

Maharam Dakua is a researcher and consultant in the field of water supply, sanitation, water resource management, and climate change. He has worked with communities in both urban and rural areas of Bangladesh, where water supply and sanitation have been two sectors largely affected by climate change. Currently, as a Project Coordinator at International Training Network Center in the Department of Civil Engineering at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dakua is conducting research and managing projects that explore sustainable solutions that are adaptable to climate change and affordable for Bangladeshis with limited resources. He is also working as a consultant with the Development of Water Safety Plan for Municipalities in Bangladesh, a national project of the World Health Organization and Department of Public Health Engineering. While in the U.S., Dakua served as a fellow at the Mobile Bay Natural Estuary Program in Mobile, Alabama, focusing on new approaches to community mobilization to help watershed management in coastal Alabama. As a Community Solutions Program alumnus, Dakua is undertaking a project titled "Pond Protection in the Coast" for low-income communities in salinity-affected coastal areas of Bangladesh.
