Adan Ramirez

Adan Ramirez

Americas, Mexico, Economic Innovation and Growth, 2022

Adan works in the Energy and Environment Sector, leading Greenfluidics S.A.S. de C.V. A technological entrepreneur expert in the design and development of new generation energy systems and their adaptation for use in the construction industry, Adan runs Greenfluidics. The company produces unique technology in the form of its Intelligent Solar Biopanel, which aims to deliver energy efficiency. Thanks to the use of microalgae and nanotechnology, the solar biopanels absorb carbon dioxide and generate oxygen while producing clean and affordable energy. Adan’s clients are predominantly real estate developers seeking to obtain environmental certifications for their buildings, as well as offering a unique and avant-garde design. Coming to the YLAI Fellowship, Adan’s top business challenge is marketing and sales.