Ramon Santos

Ramon Santos

Americas, Brazil, Business, 2022

Ramon works in the Business sector leading GETIN Aceleradora as the Chief Innovation Officer leading a business accelerator program. GETIN is an acronym in Portuguese for business management, technology, and innovation. Its services include consulting, mentoring, opportunity radar, funding agency, management of innovation centers, business acceleration, and innovation outsourcing. Benefits to clients include integration, training, investor relations, shared management, technological development, and financial investment. Clients are innovative business startups and technology-based companies. Business differentials include quality management (ISO 9.000, 2019), innovation management (PNI/CNI/BRA, 2018/2019), social impact management (ICE/BRA and ANPROTEC/BRA, 2020), and technology management for SME (ASSESPRO/BA/BRA, 2019). The culture of the business revolves around market fit, product fit, and proposition fit. Coming to the YLAI Fellowship, Ramon’s top business challenge is Social Impact.