Carolina Del Rosario Gonzalez Colmenares

Carolina Del Rosario Gonzalez Colmenares

Americas, Colombia, Business, 2024

Carolina works in the food and beverage sector as the Co-Founder and Sales and Marketing Manager of Synergetic S.A.S BIC. For health-minded vegans, vegetarians, and flexitarians who care about the impact they have on the planet, Synergetic S.A.S BIC is a vegan food and supplement provider that promotes an additive-free, sustainable source of plant-based protein, known as Herbivore Protein, utilizing isolation technology to remove legume flavors and enhance taste and packaging that is eco-friendly and fully compostable. In the short term, Carolina aims to increase the company’s sales and expand its portfolio by developing a line of protein bars and vegan-certified creatine. Ultimately, Carolina’s long-term goals are to become the biggest provider of vegan food and supplements in Colombia and reach international markets such as Mexico, Spain, and the United States. Coming into the YLAI Fellowship, Carolina’s top objective is Scaling and Expansion. More specifically, they wish to learn actionable business scaling tactics to reach the company's sales goals and expand to international markets in a sustainable way. During their Fellowship Placement, Carolina hopes to gain knowledge of growth hacking strategies and become a better company leader, as well as to become part of a network of entrepreneurs who want to create an impact, increase diversity, and challenge their own beliefs.