Celimar Rocha Morais

Celimar Rocha Morais

Americas, Brazil, Civic Engagement, 2024

Celimar works in the education sector as CEO and Founder of Libras Convivência. For those working in the education or voluntary sectors who wish to communicate with the hearing impaired, Libras Convivência is a training company that helps customers quickly learn the core aspects of Brazilian sign language via its online courses, workshops, conversation classes, streaming platforms, and face-to-face events, with a particular focus on communicating with children. Celimar aims to achieve public recognition for Libras Convivência while organically growing the business through partnerships in the short term and ultimately wishes to connect hearing and non-hearing communities throughout at least 20 percent of Brazil using the company’s teaching methods and become a leader in sign language education. Coming into the YLAI Fellowship, Celimar’s top business challenge is Marketing and Sales. More specifically, they have created a brand, name, and narrative around the values they wish the company to maintain but find it challenging to sell these to the public. During the Fellowship Placement, Celimar hopes to experience a different corporate culture and gain knowledge of different sales models, as well as improve marketing, branding, customer interaction, and day-to-day operational skills.