Ché Greenidge

Ché Greenidge

Americas, Barbados, Civic Engagement, 2024

Ché works in the community development sector as the Founder/Chairman of The Deaf Heart Project. For the Deaf and hard-of-hearing community, hearing individuals, governments, businesses, schools, youth groups, people with disabilities, and civil society organizations who want to improve access to social, educational, and economic opportunities for Deaf people to empower them and bridge the gap in attainment between the deaf and hearing worlds, The Deaf Heart Project is a service that creates programs, initiatives, campaigns, and partnerships that support Deaf access to communication, information, quality education, decent work, and public and private services. Ché aims to develop a robust fundraising strategy and implement a strategic marketing plan in the short term, and ultimately have The Deaf Heart Project become a self-sustaining social enterprise championing social change and providing transformative opportunities and resources for the Deaf community in Barbados and across the Caribbean. Coming into the YLAI Fellowship, Ché’s top business challenge is Finance. The Deaf Heart Project has traditionally operated on donations from its volunteering board members and in-kind contributions and partnerships from supporting agencies. Its greatest challenge has been financing a broader reach program and project scaling due to limited financial and human resources, as it is wholly volunteer-based with a small team. During the Fellowship Placement, Ché hopes to gain knowledge, share insights, and learn about different organizational structures and strategies.