Karla Elena Castro Garcia

Karla Elena Castro Garcia

Americas, Panama, Women and Gender Issues, Women and Gender Issues, 2024

Karla works in the business services sector as the CEO/Business Owner of Emails con Karla. For women entrepreneurs looking to expand their outreach and help others, Emails con Karla offers a range of B2B communication services designed to help women grow their businesses and create better opportunities for others in their industry. Karla's short-term goal is to help women who have a brand aimed at helping others to craft a clear and compelling message that resonates with their ideal clients. Karla's ultimate goal is to positively impact the lives of women, including those with a brand and those with ideas to make a difference. Coming into the YLAI Fellowship, Karla’s top business challenge is Scaling & Expansion, specifically, the lack of a clear plan to take action to scale and expand their message. During the Fellowship Placement, Karla hopes to gain experience, a fresh perspective, and powerful ideas that can transform their approach to business.