Leticia Irene Gutierrez

Leticia Irene Gutierrez

Americas, El Salvador, Business, 2024

Leticia works in the business services sector as the Managing Partner and Account Manager of Taskable. For businesses that need to outsource their production areas, Taskable is a call center and administrative office outsourcing company that provides unique flexibility in terms of operation hours and payment plans by saving time and increasing productivity, ensuring businesses are only charged for what they spend in hours. Leticia aims to increase the company’s clients in the short term. Ultimately, the fellow’s long-term vision is to obtain contracts with and help large companies. Coming into the YLAI Fellowship, Leticia’s top business challenge is Scaling & Expansion. This is because the company uses freelancer platforms to obtain clients but has reached the limit of jobs for which it apply. During the Fellowship Placement, Leticia hopes to gain experience and skills in leadership, networking, sales, and marketing, along with connections with potential clients.