María Laura Gutiérrez

María Laura Gutiérrez

Americas, Costa Rica, Health, 2024

Maria Laura works in the health sector as the CEO of Ciclica. For women between 13 and 50 years old, Ciclica is an intimate health company that creates affordable, easy-to-access women's menstrual health and wellness products that are safe, comfortable, and environmentally friendly, as well as providing educational courses and telemedicine services via an online platform. Maria Laura’s short-term goal is to expand the business throughout Central America. Their long-term goal is for the company to become multinational, also selling personal health products in the US, Colombia, and Brazil. Coming into the YLAI Fellowship, Maria Laura's top business challenge is Scaling & Expansion. The fellow wants to reach the entire Central American region through lasting strategic alliances with public or private organizations. During the Fellowship Placement, Maria Laura hopes to gain knowledge and valuable insights on forming partnerships with public institutions by fostering meaningful connections and collaborating on projects that align with their leadership expertise, while contributing positively to both the Fellowship Placement Organization's mission and Ciclica's growth.