Marie Changlais

Marie Changlais

Americas, Haiti, Business, 2024

Marie works in the data analysis and IT sector as the IT project manager of Thinkinnov Technologies. For primarily medium and large-sized companies requiring high-quality software, Thinkinnov Technologies develops web and mobile software using modern technologies, employing an iterative and incremental approach. Marie’s short-term goal is to scale at least one of the company's products. Their long-term goal is to create a lasting technological impact in Haiti by consistently pushing the boundaries of software development. Coming into the YLAI Fellowship, Marie's top business challenge is Scaling & Expansion. More specifically, they are looking for insights into how a service business can package what it does while also offering customized solutions. During the Fellowship Placement, Marie hopes to gain experience, foster meaningful connections, and collaborate with software development businesses that align with their UX/UI design and project management expertise and that have successfully scaled their own businesses, while also contributing positively to both the Fellowship Placement Organization's mission and the company's growth.