Oclaya Sophia Verwey

Oclaya Sophia Verwey

Americas, Suriname, Environmental Issues, Environmental Issues, 2024

Oclaya works in the energy and environment sector as the Founder of Yemoja WatR+. For communities, farmers, government agencies, and industries that need access to safe and affordable water, Yemoja WatR+ is a consultancy firm that provides professional engineering advice and project management services to guarantee sustainable solutions. Oclaya aims to make Yemoja WatR+ an established consultancy firm in the short term and ultimately to provide water consultancy services within the region by attracting international partners. Coming into the YLAI Fellowship, Oclaya’s top business challenge is Operations. More specifically, they want to grow their team and obtain sufficient funding for their clients. During the Fellowship Placement, Oclaya hopes to gain knowledge around how the FPO conducts water resource consultancies and draw upon its experience to help them achieve their funding goals.