Ricardo Andrés Muñoz Vega

Ricardo Andrés Muñoz Vega

Americas, Costa Rica, Business, 2024

Ricardo Andrés works in the food and beverage sector as the CEO of Gricket House. For those aged twenty to fifty who prioritize their health and nutrition, Gricket House supplies cricket-based nutritional supplements that help individuals meet their daily protein requirements in a sustainable, easily digestible, and delicious manner. Ricardo Andrés' short-term goal is to transform the food industry with alternative protein sources and, ultimately, to revolutionize how people consume protein by providing sustainable and eco-friendly alternatives. Coming into the YLAI Fellowship, Ricardo Andrés’ top business challenge is Scaling and Expansion. More specifically, they are looking for insights as to how to break the taboo surrounding the consumption of insects. During the Fellowship Placement, Ricardo Andrés hopes to gain exposure to networking, mentorship, and partnering opportunities with other businesses.