Genesis Alejandra Solorzano Neira

Genesis Alejandra Solorzano Neira

Americas, Ecuador, Environmental Issues, 2024

Genesis works in the agricultural sustainability sector as the Advisor and Coordinator for Agricultural Sustainability for To Tenka Tienda Ecológica and Cultivos Sostenibles. For environmentally conscious retail customers, To Tenka Tienda Ecológica (Zero Waste Store) is a store that offers eco-friendly products for personal care and home use, and for environmentally conscious exporters of sustainable and organic products from Ecuador, Cultivos Sostenibles (Sustainable Crops) provides consultancy services to assist in their product offerings. Genesis's short-term goal is to enable To Tenka to provide sustainable, organic, cruelty-free, plastic-free, chemical-free, and non-toxic single-use products and to implement sustainable agricultural programs and certifications for fruit exporting companies and farmers. Their long-term goal is to establish an organic supermarket where consumers can buy organic food and sustainable products and create a foundation to work with rural agricultural communities in Ecuador, providing sustainable solutions to rural problems. Coming into the YLAI Fellowship, Genesis's top business challenge is Scaling & Expansion. More specifically, they want to increase the quality of the company's services, hire more laborers, and invest significantly in equipment. During the Fellowship Placement, Genesis hopes to build a partnership with the host organization and learn about effective strategies to ensure the growth and sustainability of their businesses.