Gival Vijay Marin

Gival Vijay Marin

Americas, Belize, Environmental Issues, 2024

Gival works in the environment sector as the Co-Owner of Zero Belize. For businesses wanting to reduce their environmental impact, Zero Belize is a packaging company that provides sustainable, low-impact packaging solutions as an alternative to single-use plastics. Gival's short-term goal is to increase awareness of sustainable packaging and support Belize's existing single-use plastics ban. Their long-term goal is to provide sustainable packaging products made from materials sourced from biobased by-products and waste materials, such as sargassum and bagasse, to the Caribbean. Coming into the YLAI Fellowship, Gival's top business challenge is Scaling & Expansion. More specifically, they want to increase awareness of sustainable packaging in Belize and expand production to make it more accessible and affordable. During the Fellowship Placement, Gival hopes to strengthen their entrepreneurial and leadership skills and network with organizations and individuals working with sustainable packaging.