Adama Lee Bah

Adama Lee Bah

Africa, Gambia, 2013

Not yet 20, Adama Lee Bah is already an accomplished social activist in The Gambia with a focus on issues affecting youth. She is president of Young People in the Media and an active member of the local chapter of the Global Youth Coalition on HIV/AIDS. She has developed expertise in gender, health, child rights, migration, and unemployment. She serves as host and moderator of YPM, a weekly youth talk and debate show for radio that addresses a wide range of pressing issues for young Gambians including domestic violence, teenage pregnancy, peer pressure, and life skills. She was elected as head girl at Nustrat Senior Secondary School and this year organized the All Girls Conference at her school as a platform for girls to discuss issues affecting them with mentors and counselors. She also is working to develop a gender sensitization curriculum to combat gender-based violence in schools and communities.