Andrea Anahí Rangel García

Andrea Anahí Rangel García

Americas, Mexico, Civic Engagement, 2024

Andrea works in the community development sector as the Founder and CEO of María Josefina Red de Emprendedoras. For women who live in vulnerable situations, such as poverty or violence, María Josefina Red de Emprendedoras is an education and empowerment program provider and consultancy that helps women transform their talents into microenterprises to overcome the barriers that prevent them from living a dignified life. María Josefina Red de Emprendedoras focuses on education, empowerment programs, artisan production, and consultancy, helping women become financially independent. Andrea’s short-term goal is to develop a strategy to scale the company’s impact to other parts of Mexico and Latin America. In the long run, the fellow aims to empower women and put an end to their representation as the face of poverty across the globe by leveraging their talents to attain independence. Coming into the YLAI Fellowship, Andrea's top business challenge is Scaling & Expansion: the current reach of María Josefina is limited by the operational team's capacity to serve more women through the programs. During the Fellowship Placement, Andrea hopes to gain knowledge and expertise to develop a strategy that will enable them to reach more women through the company's initiatives. They aim to integrate technological and innovative elements that can accelerate the implementation of a methodology that has been proven to generate significant results.