Andrea Jaramillo Contreras

Andrea Jaramillo Contreras

Americas, Colombia, Environmental Issues, Transparency and Accountability, 2014

Andrea Jaramillo Contreras is a Psychologist, specializing in Social Policy, Do no Harm, and peacebuilding, with a MA in Social Justice Perspective. Andrea has over seven years of experience working with vulnerable communities, victims and ex-combatants of the Colombian conflict and has focused on field work, methodology strategies in the peace process, and forgiveness and reconciliation actions inside of communities in conflict. Besides that, she has worked in issues related with poverty and conflict in the frame of social inclusion and productivity. Currently, she works for the United Nations Development Program as a psychosocial researcher in the area of poverty. As a Community Solutions Fellow, Contreras worked with the Latin America Youth Center in Washington, DC, concentrating on tolerance and conflict resolution. Now returned to Colombia, she is continuing to analyze the conflict sensitivity approach and the ethical values peacebuilders have when they work with communities.
