Armenuhi Avagyan

Armenuhi Avagyan

Europe & Eurasia, Armenia, Education, University Administration, 2015

U.S. Host Institution: Appalachian State University

Management Topic: Academic Department Management

Armenuhi Avagyan is the Dean of the Special Education Department at the Armenian State Pedogogical University in Yerevan, Armenia. Her role involves managing the educational, scientific, and international activities of the faculty and implementing policies and procedures as directed by the Rector and University Councils. Armenuhi is also responsible for submitting proposals to the Rector concerning the admission, transfer, withdrawal, and exclusion processes of students, as well as student scholarships, rotation, certification, and development. Armenuhi holds a Ph.D. in Special Pedagogy from the Republic of Armenia Supreme Certifying Commission and a M.A. in Preschool, Primary, and Special Education from the Armenian State Pedogogical University. During her UASP fellowship, Armenuhi will be focusing on the use of sustainable management and human resource management to improve the professional capacity of staff and students.