Bahati Dyegula

Bahati Dyegula

Africa, Tanzania, Education, University Administration, 2015

U.S. Host Institution: Appalachian State University

Management Topic: Admissions Management

Bahati Dyegula is the Senior Administrative Officer of the Directorate of Undergraduate Studies at the University of Dar es Salaam in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Her role involves overseeing admissions for privately sponsored applicants and short term students; managing applicant credit transfers; coordinating issues related to inter-University student exchange programs for students studying in Tanzania; and preparing the annual student admissions handbook. Bahati holds a M.A. in Education and a B.A. in Psychology, both from the University of Dar es Salaam. During her UASP fellowship, Bahati will be focusing on admissions management as it relates to electronic and manual processing of applications, applicant notification, and information management.