Brandon Powell

Brandon Powell

Americas, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Business, 2024

Brandon Jamie works in the electronics and technology sector as the CEO and Founder of BugHunt. For a diverse range of individuals and organizations across various industries seeking technology solutions and services to improve their operations, data management, and digital presence, BugHunt is an IT company that designs tailored solutions to empower businesses to optimize their operations, enhance and strengthen data security, and drive growth and efficiency. Brandon Jamie’s short-term goal is to expand BugHunt’s customer base by 30% within the next six months through targeted marketing and sales efforts. Their long-term vision is to become a leader in innovative technology solutions that would assist small business in driving a digital transformation and positively impacting others while fostering growth and creating opportunities for citizens. Coming into the YLAI Fellowship, Brandon Jamie’s top business challenge is Marketing & Sales. More specifically, they wish to develop a sustainable and scalable technology platform that addresses specific marketing issues and outreach to new customers to provide a more reliable and efficient service. During the Fellowship Placement, Brandon Jamie hopes to gain valuable mentorship, access to resources, and networking opportunities to accelerate the growth and impact of their company’s technological initiatives in communities.