Brinda Dewan

Brinda Dewan

Asia, Nepal, Environmental Issues, 2012

As a Nature Interpreter for Wildlife Conservation Nepal (WCN), Brinda Dewan has developed and conducted interactive awareness activities on various environmental themes, and developed and conducted trainings for environment teachers on how to use these activities in the classroom. She is also involved in developing and conducting environment lessons for primary school students. While in the U.S., Dewan worked at Eco-Cycle in Boulder, Colorado, where she researched and compiled best practices from around the world on engaging youth in zero waste, recycling, and composting activities. She also participated in classroom presentations, lunchtime activities, school assemblies, napkin making, and zero waste events to experience how kids respond to the concepts of reducing, recycling, compost, and trash. Upon return to Nepal, Dewan has successfully completed her follow-on project on establishing Zero Waste Schools in Nepal. Two schools are currently running Zero Waste Schools Programs with regular classroom visits and different Waste Management activities for the last two years. She now leads the Zero Waste Schools Program at WCN. Email: