Camilo Andrés Ramos Salazar

Camilo Andrés Ramos Salazar

Americas, Colombia, Environmental Issues, Environmental Issues, 2024

Camilo Andrés works in the agriculture and animal care sector as CEO of SiembraCo. For restaurant chains, food donation foundations, retailers, and food processing companies looking for fair and fixed prices and crop traceability, SiembraCo is an agritech company that has pioneered a virtual planting model that allows customers to finance crops to be grown by small-scale farmers practicing sustainable agriculture, cutting out the traditional distribution chain and maximizing benefits for both farmers and customers. Camilo Andrés aims to grow SiembraCo to impact more small-scale farmers in the short term and ultimately to positively impact twelve million people in 2023 by promoting sustainable agriculture while contributing to food safety. Coming into the YLAI Fellowship, Camilo Andrés’ primary goal is Scaling and Expansion. More specifically, they wish to grow the company’s operations, thereby increasing its sales and generating more benefits for small-scale farmers. During the Fellowship Placement, Camilo Andres hopes to gain the knowledge to improve SiembraCo so it can meet its objectives of growth and social impact.