Carlos Esteban Sánchez Ramirez

Carlos Esteban Sánchez Ramirez

Americas, Peru, Business, 2024

Carlos works in the food and beverage sector as the CEO of Empanacombi. For consumers seeking to contribute to the promotion of an inclusive job market, Empanacombi is a food social enterprise that sells fast food products made by chefs and bakers with disabilities, facilitating their professional inclusion and development. Carlos’s short-term goal is to expand the company into other regions and countries and hire more people with disabilities. Their long-term goal is to share Empanacombi’s social business model with other companies, indirectly increasing employment opportunities for people with disabilities. Coming into the YLAI Fellowship, Carlos’s top business challenge is Scaling & Expansion. More specifically, they aim to expand the company’s stores using a coherent model encompassing the enterprise’s operations, human resource management, and corporate culture to reach more consumers and employ more people with disabilities. During the Fellowship Placement, Carlos hopes to gain knowledge regarding effective management tools that can help the company expand responsibly and generate alliances to develop food social enterprises in other regions and countries.