Dana Van Tilborg

Dana Van Tilborg

Americas, Colombia, Primary and Secondary Education, 2013

Dana Van Tilborg is a social studies/social sciences educator who taught in high schools and universities since 1999. She teaches mainly freshmen and sophomores in economics, government, New Mexico History, Current/World Events and World History. Dana also taught at universities and both private and public schools internationally and in the U.S. A large part of who she is as an educator has been shaped by travel and international teaching experiences. From 2010-2012, she was a History teacher at the American School Foundation of Guadalajara, Mexico. Through her TGC experience, Dana collaborated with other like-minded teachers from around the country and developed her knowledge base and strategies to teach global topics and help prepare her students for their increasingly global lives.

Dana Van Tilborg believes Global education includes a focus on particular content related to global issues, cultures, and connections; it incorporates skills that can be used in the contemporary world such as research, understanding multiple perspectives, and interpretation; and includes action, no matter how small or big. She believes teachers can incorporate global knowledge in all their class activities and should ask themselves if students can act on what they have learned through civic duty? Her Global Education Guide contains multiple Global Studies unit plans. She created a unit plan on Revolutions across the Globe. Students study multiple revolutions in the U.S. and around the world from the 1700s-1800s and compare them to present day revolutions. Dana traveled to Colombia on her International Field Experience and has collected many resources that can be found her travel blog.