Dennis Alejandro Velarde Velasco

Dennis Alejandro Velarde Velasco

Americas, Bolivia, Business, 2024

Dennis works in the business services sector as the CEO of Quatro. For businesses seeking to establish or enhance their online presence, reach their target audience, and achieve marketing goals through digital channels, Quatro is a digital marketing service that drives increased brand visibility, engagement, and conversations through tailored digital strategies, empowering businesses to effectively navigate the online landscape and harness the full potential of digital marketing. Dennis aims to expand their company's presence into international markets and utilize the talents of young Bolivian individuals, providing them with opportunities to flourish professionally. Their overarching vision is to establish a large-scale enterprise capable of delivering top-tier services to numerous companies and to collaborate using cutting-edge technology, tools, and global insights. Coming into the YLAI Fellowship, Dennis’s top business challenge is Scaling & Expansion. More specifically, they want to foster business growth, source fresh talent, and provide avenues for others to thrive and succeed alongside their organization. During the Fellowship Placement, Dennis hopes to gain experience, diverse perspectives, innovative work methods, and insights into the strategies employed by other CEOs and companies to foster business growth.