Eduardo José Roque

Eduardo José Roque

Americas, El Salvador, Environmental Issues, 2024

José works in the energy and environment sector as the Founder and CEO of Powered By Waste. For the private and public sectors and households, Powered By Waste is a waste-to-energy recycling facility that collects waste and recycling and provides an Earning While Learning program for communities to improve environmental practices and generate energy for households and businesses. Jose’s short-term goal is to expand waste management services and develop a waste-to-energy plant. Their long-term vision is to pioneer the region’s waste-to-energy plants and reforestation and environmental education programs. Coming into the YLAI Fellowship, Jose’s top business challenge is Scaling & Expansion. More specifically, they need to overcome bureaucratic obstacles and the lack of emphasis on positive environmental practices. During the Fellowship Placement, Jose hopes to learn to overcome obstacles and obtain valuable information about relevant machinery and equipment.