Frances Wilkins

Frances Wilkins

Middle East & North Africa, Morocco, Primary and Secondary Education, 2013

Frances M. Wilkins is an English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) and social studies teacher in the Newcomer Learning Academy at Benjamin Franklin High School in the School District of Philadelphia. Frances teaches a diverse student body of limited English proficient (LEP) students at the secondary level. Her expertise includes curriculum design, lesson delivery, assessment, and the instructional use of technology for LEP students. She also collaborates with the Office of Multilingual Curriculum and Programs at the School District of Philadelphia to enhance and support the educational experience of English Language Learners at the secondary level. By participating in TGC, Frances gained a better understanding of teaching techniques and foreign education policy in order to meet the needs of diverse learners and share insights gained with her peers.

Frances has created a Global Education Guide that provides educators with the tools to help to build global competencies while energizing the classroom and engaging the students. She provides resources that help educators bridge cultures in the classroom, school or community; or link a subject area with a global theme. She provides unit plans for various subjects such as math, English, and science. Sarah has written a global unit plan on fair trade that offers students the opportunity for investigate economic justice through fair trade practices, recognize various perspectives from the producers and users of fair trade products, communicate ideas through the evidence they collected during the investigative portion, and take action. Frances traveled to Morocco on her International Field Experience and provides a collection of resources that can be found on her travel blog.