Gonzalo Yrigoyen

Gonzalo Yrigoyen

Americas, Peru, Education, 2024

Gonzalo works in the education sector as the Co-founder and COO of Excuela. For retail, mining, construction, agricultural, and other enterprises, Excuela is an educational technology company that provides educational resources. Excuela trains companies’ frontline (blue- and gray-collar) personnel, thus helping them increase productivity through learning while giving all participants (users) an opportunity to advance their careers. Developing talent from the base of any organizational social pyramid is a complex undertaking. Excuela has designed a talent development solution tailored to this task, allowing for increased productivity among workers who utilize this resource. In the short term, Gonzalo aims to consolidate this solution as the best talent development alternative for blue/gray-collar workers in Peru. The ultimate goal is to revitalize blue/gray-collar workers by enhancing their knowledge base and connecting them with growth opportunities based on their levels of achievement. Coming into the YLAI Fellowship, Gonzalo’s top business challenge is Scaling and Expansion. More specifically, they want to design the best distribution strategy to attract first believers, define an appealing monetization model, and continue to enhance their technological platform. During the Fellowship Placement, Gonzalo hopes to gain knowledge in terms of the best business practices concerning commercial strategy, team management, and the foundational principles of scaling a company and helping it grow.