Guillermo Sainz Saavedra

Guillermo Sainz Saavedra

Americas, Bolivia, Business, 2024

Guillermo works in the arts and culture sector as the General Manager of WASO. For people between twenty-five and fifty who enjoy cutting-edge, thought-provoking experiences, WASO is a production company that produces thought-provoking and immersive cultural experiences, including films, plays, and exhibitions, providing a cathartic outlet for emotional expression and allowing individuals to process and communicate complex feelings. Guillermo's short-term goal is to find the right partner for an animated short film (Tiluchi) currently in production. Their long-term goal is for WASO to become a globally recognized cultural production company, taking theater productions abroad and showcasing its films globally. Coming into the YLAI Fellowship, Guillermo's top business challenge is Operations. More specifically, because the animation industry in Bolivia is nascent, they hope to find international partners to assist in the animation project. During the Fellowship Placement, Guillermo hopes to gain exposure to expand the company globally.