Hayley Shapland

Hayley Shapland

Africa, Ghana, Primary and Secondary Education, 2013

Hayley Shapland teaches English literature and composition at Carondelet, an all-girls Catholic high school. She primarily teaches 11th grade students (16-17 years old) and likes to incorporate creative writing into her lessons as much as possible. In addition to teaching English, Hayley serves as the English Department chair at her school. In the past, she has served as a cross country coach, student leadership advisor, and school accreditation coordinator. Hayley received a Bachelor’s degree in English from UCLA in 2005 and a Master’s degree in Education from UC Davis in 2007. As a TGC participant, Hayley learned how to make her classroom global and came back from her International Field Experience with new skills, knowledge and friends.

In her Global Education Guide, Hayley explains that her favorite part about global education is the push to take action. She believes global education sparks action that “is the natural civic-minded response to the kind of research and inquiry teachers have been asking of their students for centuries”. She hopes that through promotion global education, teachers and students will become active world citizens. She also includes a unit plan on Slavery in her Global Education Guide. Students investigate global perspectives surrounding present-day slavery and take action by creating a two-minute film to inform others about present-day slavery. She connects her students to students in Ghana, so they can learn from each other and develop their informational film. Daphne traveled to Ghana on her International Field Experience and developed a travel blog where you can find additional global education resources.