Isabel Stephany Godoy Valdés

Isabel Stephany Godoy Valdés

Americas, Chile, Business, 2024

Isabel works in the education sector as the Senior Manager of Yoppen Dreams. For students who want to study abroad but are unaware of the scholarships available to them or the academic opportunities that can complement their studies, Yoppen Dreams is a consultancy company that helps them discover and take advantage of these opportunities. Isabel’s short-term goal is to manage the expectations of customers who do not obtain a scholarship. The long-term goal is to help the largest possible number of young people to complement their education at an international level, as well as offer services in Chile with employees who have benefited from broader experiences. Coming into the YLAI Fellowship, Isabel’s top business challenge is Marketing and Sales. During the Fellowship Placement, the fellow hopes to gain knowledge, learn from the practices of others, share in good practices, and seek international collaborations