Jaka Kabba

Jaka Kabba

Africa, Sierra Leone, Civic Engagement, 2016
Jaka Kabba is the founder and project director of Community Rights and Development Initiatives-Sierra Leone (CRADI-SL), which was established in 2013. She is also working as a corporate secretary assistant for Freetown Nominees Ltd. During her work as project director, her organisation has been able to partner with the National Peace Corps Association (Friends of Sierra Leone) to provide socio-economic support for victims of the ebola virus disease. Jaka has also partnered with Virginia Guildersleeve International Fund to provide support in preventing and ending violence against women and girls. Jaka holds a master’s degree in Gender Studies from the Fourah Bay College. She has experience in project writing and implementation, and also in monitoring and evaluation, which she believes plays a pivotal role in the project cycle. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, Jaka intends to continue her work in preventing and eliminating violence against women and girls through strengthening community action.