Jean-Patrick Ehouman

Jean-Patrick Ehouman

Africa, Côte d'Ivoire, Business, 2014

Jean-Patrick Ehouman is a Web/Mobile Applications Developer and a Software Architect who launched his own tech company located in Côte d’Ivoire called Akendewa in 2009. His successful work with Akendewa has resulted in him being awarded the UNESCO-CEPS “Tremplin” prize, an international scholarship for youth entrepreneurship and promoting a culture of peace, in October 2013. In 2010, Jean-Patrick founded TechMissus, a collaborative blog about information technology and new media in Africa that has been ranked as the top technology news website in Francophone Africa.  In early 2013, he launched AllDevCamp, a web/mobile development bootcamp that targets African developers that was selected by UNESCO Youth Mobile as one of 13 expert centers in the world. Jean-Patrick received bachelors’ degrees in Mathematics and Computer Science and Electrical Engineering from the University of Poitiers and a professional bachelor’s degree in Information Systems and Software from the University of Provence. After completion of the Washington Fellowship, Jean-Patrick plans to run a seed accelerator to help African tech innovators develop monetizable products and create jobs.